One of the greatest things I love about Young Living is the Essential Rewards Program offered to all members.
With it I have been able to expand my oils collection immensely.
But Young Living is not all about oils! I am in love with everything! From home care to the vitamin supplements. In fact the only thing I have ever purchased that I absolutely hated was the dental floss lol!! I am to used to my Glide floss ;) You can't change it all right? But over the last 18 months I have changed so much! And for the better!
I thought I would start sharing my Essential Rewards order every month to give you all some ideas and also let you in on how to use those E.R. orders to the MAX!!

This is my October order. I have my orders set up to process on the 5th of each month. That way I have plenty of time to adjust my order accordingly after YL releases the promos for the month.
So let's go over what I have going on here:)
There are a few things I have in my order every month so I have no problem reaching the $50 minimum PV to get the Essential Reward benefits like discounted shipping and the points towards future purchases.
Monthly I have a box of the 30 Ninxgia packets (there are 3 of them shown) I take one of these every afternoon for a pick me up and to keep me from eating the house. And since Frank has been home he's picked up quite a fondness for them! A few other things I can't live without every month are the Life 5 probiotics (a literal life saver for this girl with the sissy stomach, I can not recommend these enough) and the Mint Satin Facial Scrub (love,love,love,love,love). And the ART toner is a new favorite. I earned it for free in a promo this past summer and I am now in love with it.
Also in this order is a bottle of Super B, again love this supplement for increased energy and the overcoming of the blahs! It comes with 60 so it's in my order every other month. I ordered Frank a bottle of OmegaGize. I read an article about statins (a cholesterol med) and back pain. Frank has been on a statin since he was 26 (hereditary condition) and has had chronic back pain forever. So we are going to see if this helps. And the best part, it has no fishy oily after taste.
The oils I picked up this month were Myrtle and Lemon Myrtle. I saw some recipes for them and wanted to try them. I am digging the Myrtle. The Lemon Myrtle smells like PineSol :)
So with all that I was like $9 away from being able to get all the promos for the month, which I really wanted because I use them all. I bought the Lavender Oatmeal soap to get me over the hump. I haven't tried it yet but thought it would make a nice guest room goodie. :)
Then the there is the FREE stuff!! This month is a full size bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate. I can not tell you how much I love this stuff! It smells awesome, it lasts forever (I am still using the bottle I earned for free in the spring) and it cleans everything beautifully except windows. It is amazing on floors!! It is also amazing cleaning Louis Vuitton leather and TIEKS ballet flats but that's another story lol!!
A FREE bottle of Thieves Fruit and Veggie Spray which is very handy especially with little ones on the go.
FREE Lavender and Clove Vitality oils. And a FREE Palo Santo Oil which is one of my favorites for diffusing.
And then FREE wool dryer balls with a FREE bottle of Lavender!! Awesome!! Have you ever tried wool drier balls? I love using them! The whole laundry room smells so good! But and here is the but, if you live in a dry area like me static cling can still be an issue. If it's really bad I will use Mrs. Myers dryer sheets. Like I said before every little bit counts but some things may not exactly be for you. Like the dental floss for me ;)
Well let's get down to the nitty gritty.........
How much did I pay.......
My total order was $350 with shipping (no one said living healthier was easy or inexpensive)
I received $62.15 in essential rewards points (which is basically like cash towards your next Quick Order)
The promos I received for FREE this month totaled $147.39
$209.54 FREE this month!
Keep in mind I started out with small orders and every month kept building and building as Young Living really started making a dent in our everyday lives. This is my type of order after a year and half with the changes I am making for us. It's really about the budget and the commitment you have for yourself and family. Every little thing helps!!
Any questions please leave a comment with your email and I will answer the best way I can :)
With Love and Health!